Linas Mackevičius

Apie projektą:

Bendraautorė: Tautvilė Bičkutė
Šalis: Lietuva
Plotas: 65 m2

BNI Lietuva centrinis biuras, Vytauto g., Vilnius

BNI Lietuva organizacija padedanti verslams augti ir gauti pelningų užsakymų kreipėsi į „Elmarsą“ dėl savo biuro įrengimo. Patalpos palėpiniame aukšte su antresole naujai statytame pastate Vilniaus Žvėryne. 65kv.m. plote buvo sutalpinti pasitarimų-video transliacijų kambarys, direktoriaus kabinetas, atvira erdvė su 4 darbo vietomis ir pagalbinės patalpos. Pagrindinis biuro akcentai – ore kybantys mediniai laiptai bei erdvę pabrėžiantys apšvietimo sprendimai lubose. Jaukumo įneša ir mini pasitarimų – poilsio baldas. Sukurtas rezultatas – kompaktiškas, bet erdvus biuras puikiai tenkinantis kliento poreikius ir išsikeltas užduotis.


The office is situated in the attic of a newly built building in Žvėrynas district. There are two areas: the main floor of 41 sq. m. and the loft of an additional 24 sq. m. The main task was to fit all of the necessities: a separate room for the National director of the BNI, 4 working spaces for the managers, a meeting-video presentation room, a kitchenette and a toilet; and also to create a representative, cozy and comfortable space, all in such small premises.

The designers decided to fit the meeting-presentation room in the loft while the main floor was left for the open space office, comfortably fitting 4 working desks. In the bright corner under the loft,a room for the director was designed. The windowless part of the premises was left for the bathroom and kitchen.

The Elmarsa designers used a contrast of dark materials and white surfaces to create a cozy interior design. The most attractive element in the premises is the stairs to the loft. The dark solid wooden steps floating in the space separated by metal strips are both functional and very impressive.

This office is a nice example of how small premises can fit all necessary functions and stay spacious.

Nuotraukos: Jurgita Kunigiškytė (JuJu fotografija)