Biuro interjeras

Biuro projektas, kuris turėjo pakeisti 20metį senuką. Svarbiausia buvo tiksliai įsivertinti kliento poreikį, net jam jo iki galo nespėjus išsigryninti. Modernus, bet ne per modernus, tradicinis, bet ne per daug. Taip būtų galima apibūdinti šio interjero stilistiką. Interjeras buvo kuriamas atsižvelgiant ne tik į pagrindinio užsakovo norus, bet tuo pačiu išgirstant ir kolektyvo poreikius, skundus senosioms patalpoms ir lūkestį naujoms. Rezultatu džiaugiamės ir mes, ir užsakovas. Naudotos kokybiškos bei patikrintos medžiagos, kurios turi tarnauti ne vienerius metus bei atitikti estetikos bei praktiškumo reikalavimus. Sustiprinta akustika naudojant eltinio lubas bei kiliminę dangą, ypač patalpose, kur suprojektuota daugiau darbo vietų ar konferencijų salėje. Spalviniai sprendimai pasirinkti derinantis prie jau turimo brand book’o įvedant papildančias spalvas.


An office renovation project aimed at replacing a 20-year-old space. The key focus was to accurately gauge the client's needs, even before they were fully articulated. The interior can be described as modern yet not overly so, and traditional without being excessive. This design approach considered not only the preferences of the primary client but also the requirements of the team, addressing complaints about the old space and expectations for the new one. Both the client and our team are pleased with the outcome. We utilized high-quality and reliable materials, ensuring durability for many years while meeting aesthetic and practical standards. Acoustic enhancements were achieved through the installation of a false ceiling and carpeting, particularly in areas designated for multiple workstations or a conference room. Color schemes were carefully selected to align with the existing brand guidelines, incorporating complementary hues.

Nuotraukos: Gintas Jurevičius