Tai vieno brandaus žmogaus namai Vilniaus centre. Jis žino, kas jis ir ko jam reikia, ir kas dar svarbiau, ko jam nereikia. Nedideliame plote sutalpinta viskas, ko reikia patogiam bei jaukiam gyvenimui, kur nėra jokių papildomų detalių, kurios tave vargintų ar reikalautų nepaliaujamo dėmesio. Svarbiausia užduotis: išlaikyti erdvumo pojūtį. Tai išpildyta pasirenkant labai netradicinį sprendimą – visos skirtingas funkcines zonos sudėliotos ratu apie buto ašį neatsikiriant jų jokiomis pertvaromis. Buto ašis – tai vienintelė uždara patalpa erdvėje – tualetas bei apie jį ratu formuojamos nematomos spintos, kuriose slepiasi pagrindinės buto techninės detalės: rekuperatorius, skalbimo mašina, šaldytuvas, orkaitė. Gyvenimas vyksta nuolat judant ratu. Šiame rate ir virtuvės baldas, neprimenantis virtuvės, bet greičiau tik elegantišką komodą, ir patogus didelis atviras dušas, ir apvalus stalas, kviečiantis svečius bei patogi, oriai švari miego pritamsinta miego erdvė.


It is the home of one mature person in the center of Vilnius. He knows who he is and what he needs, and more importantly, what he doesn’t need. The small area contains everything you need for a comfortable and cozy life, where there are no additional details that would bother you or require constant attention. The most important task: to maintain a sense of spaciousness. This is accomplished by choosing a very unconventional solution - all the different functional areas are arranged in a circle around the axis of the apartment without being separated by any partitions. The axis of the apartment is the only closed room in the space - a toilet with an invisible cabinets formed around it, in which the main technical details of the apartment are hidden: recuperator, washing machine, refrigerator, oven. Life takes place in a constant circle. Going around You can find the kitchen furniture that does not resemble a real kitchen, but rather only an elegant chest of drawers, and a comfortable large open shower, and a round table that invites guests and a comfortable, dignifiedly clean sleeping area.


It is the home of one mature person in the center of Vilnius. He knows who he is and what he needs, and more importantly, what he doesn’t need. The small area contains everything you need for a comfortable and cozy life, where there are no additional details that would bother you or require constant attention. The most important task: to maintain a sense of spaciousness. This is accomplished by choosing a very unconventional solution - all the different functional areas are arranged in a circle around the axis of the apartment without being separated by any partitions. The axis of the apartment is the only closed room in the space - a toilet with an invisible cabinets formed around it, in which the main technical details of the apartment are hidden: recuperator, washing machine, refrigerator, oven. Life takes place in a constant circle. Going around You can find the kitchen furniture that does not resemble a real kitchen, but rather only an elegant chest of drawers, and a comfortable large open shower, and a round table that invites guests and a comfortable, dignifiedly clean sleeping area. 

Nuotraukos: Norbert Tukaj