Buto interjeras, kupinas modernių „amerikietiškų“ akcentų

Dideli komfortiški baldai, moderni prabanga, natūralios medžiagos bei akcentiniai kontrastai – tai „amerikietiškam“ interjerui būdingi sprendimai. Būtent juos kuriant 81 kv. m. buto dizainą „reVingio“ projekte panaudojo „Gera grįžti namo“ komanda. Interjero dizainerės Daina Jauneikaitė-Čereškienė bei Erika Širvinskaitė-Nadtočienė atskleidžia, kad didžiausias iššūkis buvo išlaikyti erdvės pojūtį bei kūrybiškai išpildyti nestandartines erdves.


This apartment features a modern yet cozy design with a touch of "American" style. Nestled in a stunning location, it boasts a spacious terrace overlooking the Neris River. To maximize the breathtaking view, the layout emphasizes large windows, while darker materials and colors are strategically placed on the walls opposite the windows to avoid obstructing the panorama. The space is perfect for gatherings with family and friends, and the "blackout" curtains enable you to enjoy a movie session even during the day. Although the apartment’s area is limited, it successfully accommodates all the client’s needs, including ample closets, a pantry, two bathrooms, and two bedrooms. To enhance the sense of depth and allow the gaze to flow throughout the space, careful attention was given to layering colors and textures. The kitchen, located in the far corner, features the darkest tones, while the living room is designed with the lightest shades.

Nuotraukos: Laimonas Ciūnys