Erika Rimšaitė – Kaziliūnė

Apie projektą:

Šalis: Lietuva
Plotas: 132 m2

Namas Pavilnyje

Namas įsikūręs ramioje vietoje, Pavilnyje, apsuptas įkvepiančios gamtos ir ramybės. Klientai yra aistringi vėjo ir gamtos entuziastai, todėl tai natūraliai diktavo toną interjero krypčiai. Projekte naudojamos natūralios apdailos medžiagos, stengiamasi suteikti kuo daugiau galimybių į erdves patekti natūraliai dienos šviesai ir neapkrauti namų dalykais, kurie reikalautų daug priežiūros. Įėjimo holo ir koridoriaus ribos ištirpinamos stiklo durimis abiejose pusėse. Bendrojoje erdvėje suformuotas gipso sienos pastorinimas – ekranas filmų vakarams. Abiejuose namo aukštuose panaudotos skirtingos grindų dangos – lieta mikrocemento danga intensyvaus buvimo erdvėse ir šilto natūralaus medžio grindys privačiose 2 aukšto patalpose. Šilumos ir jaukumo efektą interjerui suteikia individualiai kurtos stabilizuotų augalų kompozicijos. 


The feeling we wanted to create in this space started to be clear right from the road to the site which went through the forest. Owners revealed they are big enthusiast of activities which includes the wind, also loves nature, quality materials and natural brightness. The direction of interior concept was settled. At first we opened entrance area and installed high glass doors on both sides which let the daylight enter deeper in to the home. Then transformed space under stairs into secret wardrobe with minimal folding door. Tiny lines made in it allow daylight to come in to the darkest rooms. To separated living area and personal spaces upstairs we used different type of flooring. Upstairs were installed natural warm oak floor and in the first floor concrete floor for easy-to-take-care purposes. These two key materials were used to build many elements in this project. Living room and the kitchen are connected so we'd wanted to use similar materials there for better visual connection. Breakfast table is custom made from concrete to build continuous image with the concrete floor. In the living area a wall screen was made from gypsum panels to offer better experience during movie nights. As a final touch to this project we wanted to add smaller scale objects. So stabilized plants was a perfect choice. A little feeling of the wild field was added. 

Nuotraukos: Simonas Linkevičius